Stephen Nettleton is our Product Support Manager and 11 year MAKR veteran!
Lots has happened to Stephen personally and professionally in the past 11 years. He met his future wife, became a dad twice, supported our customers in project, product and customer support roles, commissioned a park in Chile, advanced into management and founded two bands.
He’s our Product Support Manager by day, and keyboardist for the Kelowna band Shapes & Shadows by night. He has his parents to thank for “encouraging” aka forcing him into years of piano lessons, culminating with the impressive achievement of Grade 10 Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) in piano. All those years of classical training, being voted “Most Likely to Be in a Marching Band” in high school, meeting lots of fellow musicians through church, paid off though!
What keeps this mechanical engineering technologist grad engaged and challenged at work? “I love that we design such cool products. Seeing our parks, and seeing how our parks create fun, is super satisfying.”
We agree about our cool products, Stephen, and think you’re super cool for all you do too!